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Unveiling Uzbekistan’s Tech Pioneers to the Global Stage
Harness the fresh, vetted talent from our Mohirdev graduate pool, ready to contribute to your next project.
Nurtured Talent and Continuous Growth
Our freelancers are continuously growing and project-ready, combining Mohirdev's nurturing with ongoing skill updates.
Local Expertise, Global Reach
Our freelancers merge local Uzbek knowledge with global adaptability, perfect for diverse, international projects.
Our efficient matching algorithm quickly aligns freelancers with your specific project needs.
Customized Talent Matching
How It Works?
The result is a win-win: companies acquire top-tier talent for their projects, and our freelancers embark on fulfilling, impactful careers in the tech industry.
Successful Partnerships
Talent Nurturing
We nurture talent through our Mohirdev online courses, grooming the next generation of IT professionals.
Hand-picked Selection
Our top graduates are hand-picked for their exceptional skills and readiness for the global market.
Connecting with Companies
We bridge the gap, connecting these vetted freelancers with companies in need of reliable tech talent.
Empowering Solutions
Get the right fit for your projects from our pool of pre-vetted developers.
For Companies
Tailored Solutions for Your Business
Extend your team effortlessly with our talented freelancers.
Entrust your project to a team of our capable freelancers, managed by seasoned project managers.
Skill Enhancement
Take your Mohirdev learning further. Apply your skills on real-world projects and grow with every assignment.
For Freelancers
Your Journey from Classroom to Global Opportunities
Global Exposure
Gain experience on international projects and exposure by collaborating with companies across the globe.
Continuous Career Growth
With Mohirlar, your learning never stops. Access our courses and resources to keep evolving your tech career.
From Companies & Freelancers
  • Aziza Karimova
    Senior Software Developer
    Mohirlar's courses were a game-changer for my career. The practical skills and industry insights I gained have opened new doors for me in tech. Highly recommend for anyone looking to advance in IT.
  • Jahongir Akhmedov
    Data Analyst
    Thanks to Mohirlar, I've transitioned smoothly into a data analyst role. The courses are comprehensive and up-to-date, equipping me with the tools needed to excel in today's tech landscape.
  • Dilshod Mirzaev
    UX/UI Designer
    As a UX/UI designer, staying current is crucial. Mohirlar's courses not only refined my skills but also expanded my understanding of design in the digital world. Their approach to teaching is both engaging and effective.
Whether you're seeking top-tier tech talent or looking to showcase your skills, Mohirlar is your gateway. Choose your path today.
Connect & Thrive with Mohirlar